Sunday, 10 March 2013

Finland asks - Italy answers (group 2)

Questions about school and school life 

Class 6 at Sääksjärvi primary school in Finland asks and class 3 E at Rosso di San Secondo middle school in Italy answers.

1. When does your school day usually start and finish? 
Our school day usually starts at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 1.30 p.m. 
But on Tuesday and Thursday school finishes at 5.30, as our class (together with other five classes) has a special school day called “long time”. The other 18 classes finish lessons every day at 1.30. p.m. We go to school on Saturday, too. 

2. How do you come to school? By bike, by bus, on foot?
Our parents drive us to school; only five students walk to school. 

3. What school subjects do you have?
We have Italian, maths, history, geography, science, English, Spanish/French, information technology ,physical education, music, art and religious education. 

4. What kind of grades do you have? 
We are in grade 8 that is the last grade of middle school; after middle school we go to “Secondary High School “for about five years and then, those who want it ,can attend University. 

5. Do you have a classroom assistant (school assistant)?
No, we don’t. There are two school assistants for each floor.

6. At what age do you start and finish school in Italy?
We usually start school when we are six and we attend Elementary school ( 5 years), then we go to “Middlle School”
(3 years), and then to Senior High School (five years).School is compulsory until 16 years

7. Do you have school lunch or packed lunch? What do you usually eat?
Twice a week our class has lunch at school and we have a packed lunch: a sandwich, a fruit juice,a bottle of water and a dessert. 

8. Can you use mobile phones in your class?
No, we can’t, but we’d like to use them. 

9. Can you play computer games during breaks?
We can use computer games during the lunch breaks only

10. What do you do in PE lessons?
We do lots of activities: we play volleyball, basketball fieldball and sometimes we play football. But we also do athletics. 

11. What games do you play during breaks? Do you play ice hockey?
The morning break is very short (it lasts 15 minutes) and we can just eat our roll bread, have a chat with our friends or walk in the school courtyard. During the lunch break we usually play football or volleyball. We don’t play ice-hockey: we don’t know much about it and we don’t have ice rinks in our town. 

12. What kind of school holidays do you have?
Well, talking about holidays is always nice: we have a long holiday (about 3 months) during the summer, because we have very hot summers and it is quite impossible to go to school and study when temperatures are near 40 ° C. Then we have a 15 days holiday at Christmas and five days at Easter

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